Laurie Boucke: "Es ist bedauerlich, dass Sears JL nicht erwähnt"

Laurie Boucke hat mir eine E-Mail zum Eintrag über JLs Interview geschickt. Ihrer Recherche nach war es die Bindungsforscherin Mary D. Salter Ainsworth, die als allererste in ihrem Buch „Infancy in Uganda. Infant Care and the Growth of Love“ darüber schrieb, wie Kinder feste Bindungen aufbauen. Laurie geht nicht davon aus, dass Jean Liedloff dieses Buch kannte, sondern dass sie unabhängig davon zu den gleichen Ergebnissen kam. Dann habe Dr. Sears diese aufgegriffen und um seine Erfahrungen bereichert – ohne allerdings JL weiter zu erwähnen.

Lauries Mail im Original:

In the first two editions of „Infant Potty Training“ I included a history of attachment parenting. It all started with Mary D. Salter Ainsworth who was the first to study the development of infant attachment. She wrote a fabulous book called „Infancy in Uganda“ (1967) that covers her study in detail and also includes 11 pages (wow!!) of info on infant toilet training in Buganda. I discovered her book while researching the first edition of the IPT book.

Then along came Jean Liedloff with her observations of the Yequana and the Continuum Concept which formed the basis for what is now best known as attachment parenting. All of Liedloff’s ideas and research are her own. I don’t think she had read Ainsworth or heard of infant attachment before her travels, and Dr Sears had not written on the topic either. I have spoken with her by phone a few times about IPT/EC. While she was in the jungle, she didn’t pay much attention to toilet learning. I included her brief coverage of the topic in the IPT book (last page, last paragraph of the book). There are longer pieces about her in the first two editions of my book.

As you noted, Dr. Sears started off using some of her ideas and even her term „continuum concept“. Later, he sculpted and expanded the ideas to include his own research and coined the term „attachment parenting“. Liedloff and some of her fans claim that Sears stole her ideas. It is unfortunate that he doesn’t credit her or her book in his writings.

Danke für diesen Exkurs! Ich werde versuchen, die entsprechenden Bücher zu bekommen und mich eingelesen noch einmal dazu zurückmelden.

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